Program: Psychological Sciences, BS - Purdue University (2024)

Aug 05, 2024
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About the Program

The Psychological Sciences major provides a broad foundation in psychology, but also provides maximum flexibility in psychology course selection. Students learn about applied and basic aspects of psychology as well as have a chance to take advanced courses that give an authentic experience in diverse areas of psychology. This major leaves plenty of space for additional courses in other areas of interest and provides excellent preparation for graduate and professional programs. This program is often chosen by students interested in careers as therapists or in other human services areas, or by students who plan careers in other areas of psychology, business, or health.

Department of Psychological Sciences website

Psychological Science Major Change (CODO) Requirements

Degree Requirements

120 Credits Required

Departmental/Program Major Course Requirements (36 credits)

A cumulative GPA of 2.3 is required for all courses used to meet major (Areas A-C) requirements.

A) Psychology Required Courses (9 credits)

  • PSY 12000 - Elementary Psychology Credits: 3.00 (satisfies Human Cultures: Behavioral & Social Sciences for core)
  • PSY 20100 - Introduction To Statistics In Psychology Credits: 3.00 ♦
  • PSY 20300 - Introduction To Research Methods In Psychology Credits: 3.00 ♦

B) Psychology Selectives (12 credits)

Select two courses from each of the following groups.

  • B1

  • PSY 20000 - Introduction To Cognitive Psychology Credits: 3.00
  • PSY 22200 - Introduction To Behavioral Neuroscience Credits: 3.00
  • PSY 31400 - Introduction To Learning Credits: 3.00
  • B2

  • PSY 23500 - Child Psychology Credits: 3.00
  • PSY 24000 - Introduction To Social Psychology Credits: 3.00
  • PSY 27200 - Introduction To Industrial-Organizational Psychology Credits: 3.00
  • PSY 35000 - Abnormal Psychology Credits: 3.00

C) Additional Psychology Courses (15 credits)

Select five additional 3-credit Psychology courses (15 credits) numbered 30000-59900. PSY 31400 & PSY 35000 may NOT be used to satisfyArea C and only one of the following 3-credit courses may be used for Area C: PSY 39000, PSY 39100, PSY 39800, PSY 49200, or PSY 49800. (PSY courses in this section may also satisfysome Selective Requirements)

Courses numbered 30000 or higher from locations other than Purdue-WL cannot be used to fulfill requirement C unless the outside course has been officially designated as equivalent to an approved Purdue-WL PSY course numbered 30000 or higher; other courses will be reviewed for approval on an ad hoc basis.

Optional Concentration

Other Departmental/Program Course Requirements (31-68 credits)

  • COM 11400 - Fundamentals Of Speech Communication Credits: 3.00 ♦ (satisfies Oral Communication for core)
  • ENGL 10600 - First Year Composition With Conferences Credits: 4.00 ♦ (satisfiesWritten Communication and Information Literacy for core) or
  • ENGL 10800 - First Year Composition Credits: 3.00 ♦ (satisfiesWritten Communication and Information Literacy for core) or
  • HONR 19903 - Interdisciplinary Approaches In Writing Credits: 3.00 ♦ (satisfiesWritten Communication and Information Literacy for core)
  • MA 15300 - College Algebra Credits: 3.00 ♦ (satisfies Quantitative Reasoning for core) or
  • MA 15800 - Precalculus - Functions And Trigonometry Credits: 3.00 ♦ (satisfies Quantitative Reasoning for core) or
  • MA 16010 - Applied Calculus I Credits: 3.00 ♦ (satisfies Quantitative Reasoning for core) or
  • MA 16100 - Plane Analytic Geometry And Calculus I Credits: 5.00 ♦ (satisfies Quantitative Reasoning for core) or
  • MA 16500 - Analytic Geometry And Calculus I Credits: 4.00 ♦ (satisfies Quantitative Reasoning for core)
  • Cultural/International Diversity Selective - Credit Hours: 0.00 -16.00 credits
  • Economics/Finance Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Management & Leadership Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00 (IFPSY 27200is selected for PSYS Major Area B, this requirement is satisfied.)
  • *Natural Sciences, Math, & Information Technology Selectives must total 9 or more credits.

  • Natural Sciences, Math,& Information Technology Selective- select fromGroup 1list- Credit Hours: 2.00 - 4.00*(IF course chosen is also on University Science Core list, one Science Core requirement will be satisfied)
  • Natural Sciences, Math, & Information Technology Selective- Credit Hours: 2.00- 5.00*(IF course chosen is also on University Science Core list, one Science Core requirement will be satisfied.)
  • Natural Sciences, Math, & Information Technology Selective - Credit Hours: 1.00 - 5.00*; Must have lab component unless one of the othercourses selected has lab component.(IF course chosen is also on University Science Technology & Society Core list, then Science Technology & Society core requirement will be satisfied)
  • Social Ethics Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00(IFPSY 46400 or PSY 58100 is chosen for PSYS Major Area C, this requirement is satisfied.)
  • Human Cultures: Humanities core - Credit Hours: 3.00-4.00(IF a foreign language is chosen for Cultural/International Diversity Selective, this requirement is satisfied.) (satisfies Humanities for core)
  • Science - Credit Hours: 2.00-5.00(IF course chosen for Selective Group 1 is also on University Science Core list, this requirement is satisfied.) (satisfies Science for core)
  • Science -CreditHours: 2.00-5.00(IF course chosen for Selective Group 2 is also on University Science Core list, this requirement is satisfied.) (satisfies Science for core)
  • Science, Technology & Society - Credit Hours: 1.00-3.00 (IF course chosen for Selective is also on University Science, Technology & Society Core list, this requirement is satisfied.)

Electives (16-53 credits)

Supplemental List

Psychological Sciences Supplemental Information

GPA Requirements

  • A cumulative GPA of 2.3 is required for all courses used to meet major (Areas A-C) requirements.
  • 2.0 GPA required for graduation.

Course Requirements and Notes

  • Courses that satisfyUniversityCore requirements may also be used to satisfy Selective requirements, if applicable.
  • Courses that satisfymajor requirements (Areas A-C) may also be used to satisfySelective requirements, if applicable.

Pass/No Pass Policy

  • A student may elect the Pass / Not-Pass grading option for elective courses only, unless an academic unit requires that a specific departmental course/s be taken Pass / Not-Pass. Students may elect to take University Core Curriculum courses Pass / Not-Pass; however, some major Plans of Study require courses that also fulfill UCC foundational outcomes. In such cases, students may not elect the Pass / Not-Pass option. A maximum of 24 credits of elective courses under the Pass / Not-pass grading option can be used toward graduation requirements. For further information, students should refer to the College of Health and Human Sciences Pass / Not-Pass Policy.

Transfer Credit Policy

Courses numbered 30000 or higher from locations other than Purdue-WL cannot be used to satisfy Major Requirement Area C unless the outside course has been officially designated as equivalent to an approved Purdue-WL PSY course numbered 30000 or higher; other courses will be reviewed for approval on an ad hoc basis.

University Requirements

University Core Requirements

For a complete listing of University Core Course Selectives, visit the Provost’s Website.
  • Human Cultures: Behavioral/Social Science (BSS)
  • Human Cultures: Humanities (HUM)
  • Information Literacy (IL)
  • Oral Communication (OC)
  • Quantitative Reasoning (QR)
  • Science #1 (SCI)
  • Science #2 (SCI)
  • Science, Technology, and Society (STS)
  • Written Communication (WC)

Civics Literacy Proficiency Requirement

The Civics Literacy Proficiency activities are designed to develop civic knowledge of Purdue students in an effort to graduate a more informed citizenry.For more information visit the Civics Literacy Proficiencywebsite.

To obtain the Civics Literacy Proficiency, students will complete an educational activity as part of their chosen Civics Literacy Pathway and pass the Purdue Civics knowledge test. The knowledge test can be completed at any time while the pathway is being perused. There are three different pathways:

  • Civics Event pathway - Attend six approved civics-related events and pass the required exam; or
  • Civics Literacy Podcast pathway - Complete 12 podcasts created by the Purdue Center for C-SPAN Scholarship & Engagement that use C-SPAN material and pass the required exam; or
  • Approved course pathway - Complete one of the following approved coursesand pass the required exam.

More details about each pathway and how to complete the requirement can be found on the Civics Literacy Student Dashboard in myPurdue.

Upper Level Requirement

  • Resident study at Purdue University for at least two semesters and the enrollment in and completion of at least 32 semester hours of coursework required and approved for the completion of the degree. These courses are expected to be at least junior-level (30000+)courses.
  • Students should be able to fulfill most, if not all, of these credits within their major requirements; there should be a clear pathway for students to complete any credits not completed within their major.

Additional Information

  • Students may NOT major in both Psychological Sciences (PSYS) and Brain & Behavioral Sciences (BBS).

Sample 4-Year Plan

Fall 1st Year

  • PSY 12000 - Elementary Psychology Credits: 3.00 ♦
  • COM 11400 - Fundamentals Of Speech Communication Credits: 3.00 ♦
  • MA 15300 - College Algebra Credits: 3.00 ♦ or
  • MA 15800 - Precalculus - Functions And Trigonometry Credits: 3.00 ♦ or
  • MA 16010 - Applied Calculus I Credits: 3.00 ♦ or
  • MA 16100 - Plane Analytic Geometry And Calculus I Credits: 5.00 ♦ or
  • MA 16500 - Analytic Geometry And Calculus I Credits: 4.00 ♦
  • Cultural/International Diversity Selective- Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00

15-17 Credits

Spring 1st Year

  • ENGL 10600 - First Year Composition With Conferences Credits: 4.00 ♦ or
  • ENGL 10800 - First Year Composition Credits: 3.00 ♦ or
  • HONR 19903 - Interdisciplinary Approaches In Writing Credits: 3.00 ♦
  • PSYS Major Area B2 ♦ - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Cultural/International Diversity Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • NSM&IT Selective + Science #1 - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00

15 - 16 Credits

Fall 2nd Year

  • PSY 20100 - Introduction To Statistics In Psychology Credits: 3.00 ♦
  • PSYS Major Area B1 ♦ - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Cultural/International Diversity Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • NSM&IT Selective + Science #2 - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00

15 Credits

Spring 2nd Year

  • PSY 20300 - Introduction To Research Methods In Psychology Credits: 3.00 ♦
  • PSYS Major Area B2 ♦ - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Cultural/International Diversity Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Human Cultures: Humanities core - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00

15 Credits

Fall 3rd Year

  • PSYS Major Area B1 ♦ - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • PSYS Major Area C - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • NSM&IT Selective + Sci, Tech, & Society - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00

15 Credits

Spring 3rd Year

  • PSYS Major Area C - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Social Ethics Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Economics/Finance Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00

15 Credits

Fall 4th Year

  • PSYS Major Area C - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • PSYS Major Area C - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00

15 Credits

Spring 4th Year

  • PSYS Major Area C - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Management & Leadership Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00

15 Credits

Pre-Requisite Information

For pre-requisite information, log in to andclick here.

World Language Courses

World Language proficiency requirements vary byprogram. The following list is inclusive of all world languages PWL offers for credit; for acceptable languages and proficiency levels, see your advisor. (ASL-American Sign Language; ARAB-Arabic; CHNS-Chinese; FR-French; GER-German; GREK-Greek(Ancient); HEBR-Hebrew(Biblical); HEBR-Hebrew(Modern); ITAL-Italian; JPNS-Japanese; KOR-Korean; LATN-Latin; PTGS=Portuguese; RUSS-Russian; SPAN-Spanish)

Critical Course

The ♦course is considered critical.

In alignment with the Degree Map Guidance for Indiana’s Public Colleges and Universities, published by the Commission for Higher Education (pursuant to HEA 1348-2013), a Critical Course is identified as “one that a student must be able to pass to persist and succeed in a particular major. Students who want to be nurses, for example, should know that they are expected to be proficient in courses like biology in order to be successful.These would be identified by the institutions for each degree program.”


The student is ultimately responsible for knowing and completing all degree requirements. Consultation with an advisor may result in an altered plan customized for an individual student. The myPurduePlan powered by DegreeWorks is the knowledge source for specific requirements and completion.

Comparative information about Purdue University and other U.S. educational institutions is also available through theCollege Navigator tool, provided by the National Center for Education Statistics, and through theU.S. Department of Education College Scorecard.

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Program: Psychological Sciences, BS - Purdue University (2024)


Program: Psychological Sciences, BS - Purdue University? ›

About the Program

Does Purdue have a good psychology program? ›

Purdue University

#3 Best Colleges for Psychology in Indiana.

How hard is it to get into Purdue psychology? ›

Admissions process is highly competitive. We typically receive upwards of 100 applications and admit only a few students each year.

What is the difference between psychology and psychological science? ›

The main distinction is that psychology, 'the study of the mind, is taught as a general discipline and not as a science. Psychological science is psychology treated as a science. Psychology is a very popular field and attracts many students who are interested in the mind and behaviour.

Is psychological science a BA or BS? ›

Bachelor's in psychology programs can award either a BS or BA degree. Both can lead to careers in the field, but there are some differences.

How prestigious is a Purdue degree? ›

Purdue University also ranks #86 in THE 'University Ranking' category 2024. As compared to last year, Purdue University witnessed an improving trend in its THE (Times Higher Education) ranking which stood at #127 in 2023. Furthermore, Purdue University ranks #43 in the US News 'National University' category in 2024.

Are Purdue degrees respected? ›

Thanks to its strong programs and affiliation with the respected Purdue University system, Purdue Global is well respected.

Is psych major hard? ›

On one hand, it might be considered “hard” because students are required, as with any subject, to do lots of reading and analysis. In particular, many students may have difficulty with subjects like advanced mathematics, statistics, and research methods. You will also be expected to conduct experiments.

Which is better BA or BS in psychology? ›

Due to the similarities they share, both B.S. and B.A. degrees in psychology can prepare you for overlapping roles. However, because their curriculum tends to be more comprehensive in scope, B.A. degrees are typically best suited for students who want to pursue fields like social work or criminal justice.

What to do with a Bachelor of psychological science? ›

What can I do with a Psychological Science degree? Study human perceptions and interactions, to understand how brain functions affect decision-making and other behaviours. Welfare Support Officer • Guidance Counsellor • Research Assistant • Health Services Manager • Social Scientist.

What field of psychology makes the most money? ›

In addition to being in demand, psychiatrist positions are by far the highest-paying jobs for psychology majors. When you work where a majority of psychiatrists are employed — within an outpatient care center or within a physician's office — the BLS reports 2022 mean salaries of $299,470 or $280,600, respectively.

Is Psychological Science a stem degree? ›

The National Science Foundation (NSF) definition of STEM fields includes mathematics, natural sciences, engineering, computer and information sciences, and the social and behavioral sciences – psychology, economics, sociology, and political science (National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, ...

What is a BS in psychology called? ›

The B.S., or Bachelor of Science in Psychology, has a lot in common with the B.A. in Psychology. What sets it apart, however, is that the B.S. program usually includes additional math and science courses rather than electives or topic specializations.

Is a BS better than a BA? ›

Whether you should choose to pursue a BA or a BS ultimately depends on your interests and career goals. A BA tends to offer broader, more customizable options, whereas a BS will typically involve more intensive, hands-on coursework. Both can set you up to land a job right out of college or go on to graduate school.

What degree is Purdue University known for? ›

The most popular majors at Purdue University--Main Campus include: Engineering; Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services; Engineering/Engineering-Related Technologies/Technicians; Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Health Professions and ...

Is Purdue University accredited for psychology? ›

The clinical psychological sciences program is accredited by the APA CoA (Commission on Accreditation, American Psychological Association) and by PCSAS (Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System).

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.